Sunday, 16 June 2013

And suddenly it's mid-June

So...a long time has gone by and predictably LOTS and LOTS happening.
Here's a snapshot of some of the good things...a trip to NYC full of record shopping and music-related places (the Brill Building), iced coffees and 'Ciao for Now', sitting in the Prospect Park and Strawberry Fields and lots of time in Tompkins Square Park. We stayed round the corner from there in Alphabet City which is just fantastic, a little bobo, as the French may say.
Inspired by our trip we have been eating blueberry pancakes and drinking watermelon lemonade since returning home. We've also been listening to much of our pile of new vinyl when not 'debating' (ahem) how to reduce our ever-mounting possessions. Here's some tracks to listen to  while it continues to be most un-summery... (And it was a hot in the city HOT 31 degrees in New York too...ho hum, could be at the Brooklyn Flea today...)

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